2025 2023 2021 2019 2018
Painter, Sculptor
2025 2023 2021 2019 2018


Painter, Sculptor

Adrien Jutard was born in 1979 in France (Allier). He learns fine arts in “petit collège” in Lyon then “arts déco” in Strasbourg. He gets his diploma in 2002. Then he leaves France and actually works and lives in German Switzerland near Basel. As of 2006, he exposes regular alone or in a group. In 2009 he wins “Art and Building” competition and realizes his first monumental sculpture. He acquiers the official Swiss status of independant artist. A cantonal award in 2011. In 2016 he exposes at Lausanne University and has his first art publication about his work. Since 2011 he is developing a way to paint with Pigments ans Epoxy Resin on dibond. In 2025, Fiveth exhibition in a French Gallery in Lyon from January 9 to Fébruary 15. For Art Basel 2021 he starts a new collaboration with a gallery from Basel. He continues his ascension. Congratulations!!

“Basecoat” is the English word inscribed on his paint pots. that Adrien Jutard chose for the title of his exhibition. It's a word he likes literally means “base layer”. Vocable from the pigment chemical industry, “basecoat” defines a range of vivid range of bright, pure colors designed to serve as a base for countless innumerable shades. It's a kind of “primary color”, as the jargon jargon calls a “primary color”, but transposed here for technical industrial applications. The artist, above all a painter, has been developing his formal language formal language using the most contemporary products (resins, paints, pigments) contemporary products (resins, paints, pigments) that he discovers and uses as he pleases. He sees the chemical evolution of the pictorial medium as a means of amplifying of his gesture and expression. The technical, high-gloss appearance of his surfaces is not an end in itself, but a means to an ever closer question that constantly underlies his work: what is painting? what is painting?

Year : 2025
Medium : Resins, pigments on wood

Price of works :


LA GALERIE Valérie Eymeric
33 rue Auguste Comte
69002 LYON

© 2025 LA GALERIE Valerie Eymeric
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